Excerpt from What Mortals Henceforth Shall Our Power Adore, HD video with sound, 17 minutes 53 seconds, 2020
What Mortals Henceforth Shall Our Power Adore is a video essay, which draws connections between; classical mythology, British colonialism, nuclear weapons and contemporary tax avoidance, via the symbol of the trident. The work frames the trident as “...a cypher for colonial intent, drawn upon by those who would subjugate others.”
Originally produced for Throughout the Fragment of Infinity That We Have Come to Know, The NewBridge Project, Gateshead, Mar - Sept 2020
Artist & Director: Chris Alton
Script & Voiceover: Chris Alton
Soundtrack: StevieRay Latham
Sound Recordist (Voiceover): Rob Aitken
Commissioned by:
The NewBridge Project, Newcastle/Gateshead
With thanks to:
Niomi Fairweather, Programme Director, The NewBridge Project
Rebecca Huggan, Director, The NewBridge Project
Funded by:
Arts Council England
Community Foundation, Newcastle