Left: Planting Flags for Breezes Free: The Fence, Digitally printed flag, 2019; Right: Planting Flags for Breezes Free: The Dandelion, Digitally printed flag, 2019

Between November 2018 and June 2019, I worked with Eastside Projects as part of their Link & Shift series. I undertook a residency in Chelmsley Wood and ran workshops at Meriden Adventure Playground (MAPA) and Three Trees Community Centre.

I worked with MAPA’s ‘Youth Night’ attendees to co-produce a set of flags for Chelmsley Wood. They were developed through a series of creative workshops, which explored the landscape and landmarks of Chelmsley Wood’s past, present and future. The flags showcase the young people’s drawings and graphic renderings inspired by them. Motifs such as the river, tower blocks, MAPA’s perimeter fence, and dandelion seeds reflect the local built and natural environment; and represent ideas of freedom, feelings of containment and the notion of cycles. More information can be found here.

Charcoal drawing by Tom (MAPA participant)

Commissioned by:
Eastside Projects, Birmingham

With thanks to:
Meriden Adventure Playground (MAPA)
Three Trees Community Centre
B37 Project
Zoë Sawyer, Eastside Projects
Brenda Hickin, Eastside Projects

Funded by:
Arts Council England
West Midlands Trains